At SISSEL EDELBO, your satisfaction means a lot to us. If you need to return or exchange an item, you can find all options and information here.


You can use our return portal if you live in The Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Belgium or France:
Go to returnportal

Any return costs, you incur yourself. Please send your return shipment to or deliver your return shipment to:

Lyngvej 1B
9000 Aalborg 

Remember to place a small note with your order number in the return shipment, so we can identify your return shipment, when we receive it. We only accept return shipments send to the address above. Return shipments send to parcel shops for example, will not be picked up and will therefore be send back to the customer. The request for cancellation must be notified to us on e-mail no later than 14 days after the delivery.

The returned package must be received by us no later than 14 days after we are informed of your use of the right of withdrawal.


You can use our return portal if you live in The Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Belgium or France.

  • Go to returnportal here
  • Write the e-mail you used when making your order
  • Type in your ordernumber. You can find this in your order confirmation (ex. EU-12345)
  • Fill out the form and submit

The cost of a return label will be withdrawn from the refund for your order.


You will receive your refund within 1-3 business days after we have processed your return. We process return packages weekly.


We offer 14 days full refund on goods purchased on This 14 days-period starts on the day the order is delivered.

The 14 days-period starts on the day the order is delivered. 


A handling fee will be withdrawn from your refund amount when you return a package from outside the European Union.


You are responsible for any depreciation in the value of the goods that results from handling other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the goods. This means that you may try on the item in the same way as if you were shopping in a physical store. If the item has been tried on beyond what is described above, it is considered used and of diminished value. If hangtags have been removed from the item, it is considered a significant depreciation in value. In these cases, upon cancellation of the purchase, you will receive a smaller portion or none of the purchase amount refunded. It is up to SISSEL EDELBO ApS to assess the condition of the goods.


We do not offer exchanges. If you would like a different item than the one purchased, please return the original item. Once the return is processed, you can place a new order for the desired item.


Your purchase is covered by the Sale of Goods Act, including the rules on defects. This means that as a consumer, you have a two-year warranty, which allows you to either have a defective item repaired, exchanged, refunded, or discounted, depending on the specific situation. Of course, it is a requirement that the complaint is justified and that the defect has not arisen as a result of incorrect use of the product or other damaging behavior. We recommend that you complain as soon as possible, and within 2 months after the fault has been discovered. You can complain by contacting us at our email:

We must always be notified of complaints via email before they are returned. After that, we can send you a return label, so the return costs are covered by us. We do not accept packages without delivery or packages sent cash on delivery.